WHA's Health & Wellness Blog





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Brain Boost

Published: 06/26/2023

Knowledge is Power: 10 Ways to Love Your Brain 

June is Alzheimer's and Brain Awareness Month. So, WHA is passing on Alzheimer's Association's organizations helpful tips on 10 Ways to Love Your Brain. Start now. It's never too late or too early to incorporate healthy habits.

Beat the Heat

Published: 06/07/2023

Athletes, Babies, Elderly - Know the Signs of Heat-related Illnesses 

Summer fun is upon us but it also comes with high temperatures. Did you know, that when working or playing in the heat, you should drink 1 cup (8 ounces) of water every 15–20 minutes? Be careful as the temperatures start to climb when you are working, exercising (or playing sports) outdoors this summer.

Road Trip Tips

Published: 05/24/2023

Stay Safe & Well

Of course, parents always try to plan ahead but there are always last-minute details – and surprises – that arise when hitting the road for a long weekend with the family. Make sure you pack these important items for when someone in your family gets sick while on the road or for when things happen that are out of your control -- like the weather, natural disasters, or even...a flat tire

National Stroke Awareness Day

Published: 05/10/2023

Learn the signs of a stroke so you can act FAST

Years ago, men and women over age 50 were getting strokes. But today, with a rise in obesity, hypertension, and type 2 diabetes, there is a rise in younger adults having strokes.

Controlling Asthma

Published: 04/10/2023

Tips to manage your asthma and ease triggers

Springtime allergens can also cause an asthma attack. You can decrease frequent asthma attacks and use these tips to understand how to reduce asthma symptoms.

Preventive Care

Published: 03/29/2023

Step Up to Get Your Checkup

Going to a regular preventive check-up with your doctor is vital to staying healthy. Some might say, “I’m healthy so I don’t need to see my doctor.” But, good health starts with getting medical care so you can prevent health problems before they start.

Health Conditions That Get Added Support

Published: 03/02/2023

Did you know that WHA offers a program to help manage a disease/condition that is at no added cost to members?

If you have a chronic condition such as asthma, coronary artery disease (CAD), or diabetes (type 1 or 2), you may be eligible for extra support and resources to help you manage your condition.

Tips for Fighting the Sunday "Scaries"

Published: 01/19/2023

Tips for Fighting the Sunday "Scaries" 

Yep, it's actually a thing. The "Sunday Scaries (what most of us think of as the Sunday blues) is when you have feelings of anxiety or dread the day before heading back to work on Monday. According to a LinkedIn survey, 80 percent of professionals say they experience the Sunday Scaries, with over 90 percent of Millennials and Gen Z reporting they feel it.  

2023 Wellness Kick-Off

Published: 01/09/2023

Take Steps: Personal Health Assessment, Set Goals, and Save Money 

Here are the steps to kick off 2023 with the help of your WHA plan that keeps your health and well-being in top shape!

Bone Health

Published: 12/12/2022

Feeling it in your Bones? Keep ‘em Healthy Then!

As we know, the older you are, the more likely you are at risk for bone fractures. Bones lose much of their density, a condition known as osteoporosis, which weakens bones, making them more susceptible to unexpected fractures.

Individual Plans

Published: 11/29/2022

I’m Healthy – What Individual Plan is Right for Me?

Even if you are healthy and see a doctor infrequently, having a health plan is still important as a safety net against life’s unexpected events (or accidents) that can cost thousands of dollars in medical bills. But with a health plan, depending on whether you’ve met your out-of-pocket maximum and annual deductible (if applicable), the amount you pay is a relatively small percentage.

Transition to Medicare

Published: 11/16/2022

Transitioning to a Medicare Plan?  We’ve Got Your MyCare Plan Ready!

If you need to choose a Medicare plan soon, WHA has the plan to make that decision easier by helping you keep the same doctors and hospitals you know and trust.

Here's Your Shot(s) for Staying Healthy This Season

Published: 10/11/2022

Here’s Your Shot(s) for Staying Healthy This Season

With colder weather comes an uptick in respiratory illnesses, such as colds and flu. At the same time, there’s an updated COVID-19 booster vaccine also available (details at CDC’s website on the latest).

Lower Your Cancer Risk Through Screenings 

Published: 09/13/2022

Lower Your Cancer Risk through Screenings 

September is National Prostate Awareness Month. A good time for WHA to encourage members (men in particular) to take time to lower their risk of cancer by scheduling your routine checkup for preventive exams and cancer screenings.

Activate Advantage Referral When You Need to a Specialist

Published: 08/16/2022

How to use Advantage Referral in 3 steps:

Let’s say you’re at your checkup and your doctor recommends you see a Specialist. So, what now? As a member, you can take advantage of what we call, Advantage Referral.

What Your College-bound Student Should Know about Healthcare

Published: 08/09/2022

Amid all the buying, packing, and stressing to get your college student launched this fall, here’s a useful Health Checklist to get them ready and able to access medical care if they need it while at school.

Get the Most From Your Checkup

Published: 07/25/2022

Checkup Coming Up? Here’s How to Make the Most of those Minutes with your Doctor

Going to a regular check up with your doctor is vital to staying healthy. Take time to prepare to ensure you make the most that time so you don’t feel rushed or forget something important to ask. Below are some simple tips to get the most out of your checkup, also referred to as a preventive or wellness visit.

Nutritional Counseling for Weight Management

Published: 07/06/2022

In a recent article in Advantage Magazine, we asked one of our registered dieticians at Dignity Health to talk about reasons to see nutritionist and what to expect during the visit.  Read the entire article: Doc Talk feature on How a Nutritionist Helps Smart Eating.

We all know that it’s important to eat healthy, but how do you know when your diet could use a makeover, or how and when you eat can contribute to a developing health condition?

Take Time for a Mental Health Checkup

Published: 05/17/2022

As we recognize May as Mental Health Awareness Month, take advantage of the benefits in your WHA health plan that can help your mental state of mind. 

Good Stress or Bad? Know the Difference

Published: 04/08/2022

Good Stress or Bad? Know the Difference

Stress is a normal part of everyday life. But while good stress (called, eustress) pushes us to strive and achieve, bad stress—particularly when it’s severe and/or lasts a long time—is highly destructive to our health.  

Happy New Year! If you are calling our Member Services department today, we ask for your patience while our entire team assists members with their questions. The first week in January is always the busiest time of year and we will get to your call as soon as possible. Members may find the information you need by logging into our secure MyWHA member portal. Use the "log in" button at the top right of this homepage screen. Thank you. Contact Us