5 Steps to Transitioning Your Medications and Pharmacy

Western Health Advantage and OptumRx bring you convenient access to prescription drugs and pharmacy locations across Northern California.  Here’s 5 easy steps to make sure you continue to have access to any medications or pharmacy services you need. Don’t hesitate to call us if you have any questions or need assistance.

  1. Find a convenient pharmacy – Access the Optum Pharmacy Search here. You’ll see national pharmacies and drug stores, like Walgreens and CVS, as well as local independent pharmacies in every neighborhood.
  2. Meet the Pharmacist and staff - Once you have found a pharmacy you are able to talk to the pharmacist about transferring your medication. The pharmacist will contact your current pharmacy (Kaiser or any other out-of-network facility) to start a transfer request. They will work with you, your provider and previous pharmacy to help ensure access to care is not disrupted. The pharmacist will want to know your current medication list, what over the counter medications or herbal/vitamins you may be on. Also, be ready to provide any allergies or pertinent medical history that can help the pharmacist support your care. 
  3. Make sure your prescriptions are current - We also encourage you to schedule a new patient appointment with your assigned Primary Care Provider (PCP) right away in order to establish and continue your care. There are some medications that may require a new prescription, such as one that has expired and run out of refills or a short-term prescription for a controlled substance. Your PCP and Pharmacist will work together to get you the care you need.
  4. Check your coverage and Rx tier for the drugs you need - The Preferred Drug List can be found here to verify the coverage tier and cost and determine if a prior authorization is required for a particular drug. Should the drug require a prior authorization, contact your pharmacist, PCP or WHA member services to initiate that process.
  5. While on our website at mywha.org/pharmacy, you can also learn about cost-savings programs, upon renewal for 2025, WHA offers convenient home delivery options or local pharmacy where you can pick extended day supplies of medications at certain pharmacies. Mail-order pharmacy will now offer up-to a 100-day supply of your maintenance medications. While for those who want to visit their local pharmacy, still have the option to fill up to a 90-day supply of your maintenance medications. You will also find in-depth information for anyone with specialty medications – including our support services that include personal care coordinators, educators and pharmacists.

We want to make transitioning to a new pharmacy a smooth transition. And we are here to help. Follow the steps above and call WHA Member Services at 916.563.2250 or 888.563.2250 to reach a representative who can help walk you through the transition. We look forward to serving you!

Happy New Year! If you are calling our Member Services department today, we ask for your patience while our entire team assists members with their questions. The first week in January is always the busiest time of year and we will get to your call as soon as possible. Members may find the information you need by logging into our secure MyWHA member portal. Use the "log in" button at the top right of this homepage screen. Thank you. Contact Us