WHA contracts with OptumRx®, one of America’s leading pharmacy benefit managers (PBMs), to provide pharmaceutical services to our members.

How do I locate a pharmacy near where I live or work?

WHA has a large pharmacy network through OptumRx. There are several ways you can find the locations of WHA's participating pharmacies.

  1. WHA Provider Directory: all contracted pharmacies are listed at the end of each county listing
  2. OptumRx website
  3. WHA Member Services

Retail Pharmacies:  Most prescription medications can be obtained at any retail pharmacy but you’ll get the most savings by going to a participating pharmacy with OptumRx. If you use a non-participating pharmacy, you will be reimbursed for the amount the medication would have cost WHA at a participating pharmacy, minus any applicable copayment or other payment obligation.

Mail Order:  For medications you take regularly, you may save time and money by obtaining a 90-day supply through OptumRx’s mail-order pharmacy program or by using the Select90 program at Walgreen’s retail pharmacy. For mail-order, your prescription can be refilled online or by phone and will be delivered straight to your home or office, whichever is more convenient.

For additional details visit Pharmacy Information.

Which medications are covered under my WHA prescription benefit?

WHA uses a tiered prescription program that is based on our Preferred Drug List (PDL). You may view WHA’s PDL online at mywha.org/pharmacy or request a copy by calling WHA Member Services. Refer to your copayment summary to confirm whether the plan is three or four tiered.

  • Plans for large employer groups (101 or more employees) have three tiers of medications under the program
  • Plans compliant with the Affordable Care Act (ACA)* for small groups (one to 100 employees) and individuals and families have four tiers. Tiers are generally classified as follows:
  • Tier 1: Preferred generic medications (may include certain preferred brand name medications)
  • Tier 2: Preferred brand name medications (may include certain non-preferred generic medications)
  • Tier 3: Non-preferred medications
  • Tier 4: Self-injectibles (see reverse for more information)

The relevant tier for your medication can be found on WHA’s PDL for your plan. Within all categories, there are a few drugs that may require prior authorization to ensure the appropriate use of the drug.

*Small groups and individuals/families can purchase ACA-compliant plans from Covered California or direct from WHA, while individual and family plans are available from Covered CA or direct from WHA.

Are preventive prescription medications covered?

WHA, in accordance with the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (ACA), provides coverage for select preventive medication categories without imposing a copayment, coinsurance, or deductible. Coverage of these medications may include select over-the-counter (OTC) medications, and requires a prescription from your licensed health care provider. Not all medications are covered in full under these categories and may be subject to step therapy or prior authorization requirements (e.g., coverage limits based on diagnosis, use, age, or national guidelines recommendations).

Do I have to use generics?

Under the WHA prescription program, your pharmacist will automatically substitute equivalent generics for brand name medications whenever possible, as this provides the greatest value.

If your physician determines there is a need to substitute a brand name medication for a generic medication, the physician will need to specify "Dispense as Written" on the prescription, as required but the California Board of Pharmacy regulations.

How much will I have to pay for my medications?

As long as there isn't a deductible listed on your prescription copayment summary, you'll only be responsible for paying the relevant copayment for you medications.

You can see the copayment amounts for each medication tier on your Prescription Copayment Summary.  It's a good idea to use Tier 1 and Tier 2 medications whenever possible, as this offers you the greatest savings.

If you are on a high-deductible plan, you will pay the cost of the medication until you meet the prescription deductible for you plan for the year.  This deductible is detailed on your Prescription Copayment Summary.  After that, you'll need to pay the relevant copayment for your medication, as described above.

Note: If you elect to receive a Tier 2 or Tier 3 medications rather than a Tier 1 with no medical indication from the prescribing physician, you will have to pay the difference between the selected and the Tier 1 medication in addition to the relevant copayment.

Oral anti-cancer drugs will not exceed $200 for 30-day supply.

How much of my medication can I get at one time?
  • Prescriptions filled at retail pharmacies are limited to a 30-day supply. 
  • Prescriptions filled by mail-order or Select90, as described above, allow up to a 90-day supply.
  • Specialty medications (e.g., those that cost over $600 for a 30-day supply) are limited to a 30-day supply.  WHA will allow up to two initial fills at local retail pharmacies to make sure you get started on your medications in a timely manner.  All other fill will be limited to WHA's exclusive specialty pharmacy network as described in the EOC/DF. Some specialty medications (i.e., limited distribution medications), are only available from select specialty pharmacies due to FDA or manufacturer restrictions and therefore may not be available for the first two initial fills at a local retail pharmacy.
  • By California law, controlled substance medications have limited refill capabilities.
  • Some drugs are limited to a fixed number of doses per 30-day period.  For example, sedative hypnotics and erectile dysfunction medications, among others, are limited to a certain number of doses per 30 days.
  • WHA may add other quantity limitations when WHA's Pharmacy and Therapeutics (P&T) Committee determines that it is appropriate to do so.
What is a specialty drug and what limits are there on coverage?
  • Self-injectable medications:  On the three-tier formulary, self-injectable medications (excluding insulin) are covered with specific cost-sharing outside of the first three tiers, as described on your prescription copayment summary. These drugs are limited to a 30-day supply, and most often require prior authorization. If the self-injectable medication is approved, all related supplies will also be approved. Insulin and related supplies are covered under the first three tiers and do not require prior authorization.
  • Oral specialty medications:  Oral specialty medications that cost over $600 for a 30-day supply. WHA will allow up to two initial fills at local retail pharmacies to make sure you get started on your medications in a timely manner.  All other fill will be limited to WHA's exclusive specialty pharmacy network.  This network includes Accredo, UC Davis and Dignity Health on-site pharmacies
  • Infertility medications:  Medication for the treatment of infertility is covered only when the member's employer has purchased a separate infertility rider.  Note: Infertility coverage is not available to members on individual and family plans. All infertility services, including medical services and infertility drugs, require prior authorization. Please refer to your infertility rider’s copayment summary for exclusions and limitations to this benefit.
  • Non-FDA approved drugs or quantities:  When a physician prescribes a medication (or a quantity of a medication) that is non-FDA-approved, he/she must obtain prior authorization through the contracted medical group or WHA.
    • For a drug or indication that is not FDA-approved, the physician must provide information regarding the FDA-approved drugs that have been tried and failed or had unacceptable side effects. 
    • If the physician prescribes a dosage of an FDA-approved drug that exceeds the FDA-approved amount, he/she must submit additional documentation of the safety and effectiveness of that dose. 
    • For any of these exception requests, WHA adheres to required timelines to resolve the issues.  In the case of a denial, there is an appeal process available to the member.
  • Investigational drugs:  Any drug that is undergoing investigational testing in humans requires case-by-case review in order for the drug to be approved for the member.  Investigational New Drugs (INDs) are approved by the FDA for use on patients with serious and immediately life-threatening diseases for which no other drug or therapy exists.  INDs are not available to all member since they are not approved by the FDA for commercial marketing or general use.
My doctor wrote my prescription for a 30-day supply with 11 refills. Can the mail-order pharmacy program fill this prescription for a 90-day supply with three refills?

Unfortunately, the mail-order pharmacy program cannot prescribe 90-day supply with three refills as opposed to the doctor's written 30-day supply with 11 refills. Our mail service pharmacy is located in the state of Nevada. Nevada's pharmacy law does not allow a pharmacist to change a prescription written for a 30-day supply to fill it as a 90-day supply, even if there are enough refills available.

Are medications for infertility covered under my plan?

Medications for infertility are only covered when the employer has purchased a separate policy called the Infertility Rider. All infertility services require Prior Authorization from your medical group to provide the services and from WHA to provide payment for the medication. Please refer to your Evidence of Coverage for restrictions and exclusions to infertility services.

Are over-the-counter (OTC) drugs covered?

Certain drugs are available both in a prescription form and in an OTC form. Only prescription drugs are covered by your plan, with the exception of select insulins, insulin supplies and covered preventive drugs (see Preventive Prescription Medications). OTC drugs are covered only if they are both listed on the preferred drug list and prescribed.

What other online services are available for prescriptions?

Through the WHA website, you can link directly to the OptumRx website. There, you will find an array of resources and will be able to:

  • Compare prescription benefits and determine your financial responsibility for your medications;
  • Order refills and renew prescriptions;
  • Locate participating pharmacies;
  • Determine drug-drug interactions;
  • Learn about the common side-effects and significant risks of drugs
  • Determine the availability of generic substitutes for brand name medications; and
  • Initiate the prior authorization process for certain drugs.
Prospective Members

Visit choosewha.com/rxpricing to determine costs for medications under a deductible plan, even if you are not yet a WHA member.