Could You Have COPD?

Some people can kick their smoking habit by going cold turkey. But most find success because they asked for help. To be successful, you need to know what your options are and what to expect as your body adjusts to living without nicotine. Below are answers to some common questions you will find helpful.

Why Should I Quit?

Smoking harms nearly every organ of the body.

Smoking also leads to diseases such as chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), which includes emphysema and chronic bronchitis. It can also cause cancer, heart disease, stroke, lung diseases, and diabetes. Over time, it can narrow and damage your arteries, increase your blood pressure and make your blood clot more easily, thereby increasing your chance of having a heart attack.

 Could you have COPD?

Chronic smoking can shorten your lifespan and age you beyond your years.

On average, smokers die 10 years earlier than nonsmokers. Smoking can also affect your skin, your hair, your blood vessels and nearly every other part of your body. The chemicals in tobacco break down collagen and elastin, which are necessary elements that prevent wrinkles and sagging skin. Smoking also yellows tooth enamel and causes hair loss. In fact, some research shows that smokers are more likely than nonsmokers to go bald.

Smoking increases risk for loss of bone density (mass)

Women in particular are at greatest risk for losing bone mass, which can lead to osteoporosis and a higher risk of fractures.

Smoking linked to infertility

Smoking can even compromise your ability to conceive a baby. Women who smoke are 60 percent more likely to be infertile and also have more miscarriages and premature births than nonsmoking women.

Smoking and diabetes is not a healthy combination.

A person living with diabetes who also smokes is at greatest risk for complications. Smoking can drive up blood sugar levels and make diabetes more difficult to control, which ultimately increases the risk of complications: loss of sight, kidney failure, and circulatory disorders that can lead to amputation of certain extremities.

Now, for the good news.

If you’ve tried to quit smoking in the past and haven’t been able, you have good reason to take heart. Most studies show that people who have been successful tried multiple times. So don’t give up! Talk with your doctor because there are some prescription medications and patches that may be helpful. Take WHA's online smoking cessation course through our wellness portal or join a class available through our network of medical groups.

Above all, remember this:

When you quit smoking, your body starts to repair itself immediately. Within one year after you quit, your risk of developing heart disease drops by half. After 10 years, your risk of dying from lung cancer is no greater than that of someone who never smoked. Work with your doctor to get advice about kicking the habit now.

What can I do to quit?

Examine the reasons you smoke, and start keeping track of the times and situations that trigger the habit. This will help you develop a strategy to thwart the urge. Also, talk to your doctor or pharmacist about the treatments and medications now available to help you quit. And develop a network of friends and family members who will support you through the process. See below for additional resources and programs.


These organizations have an abundance of information on how to to get started when you are ready to quit smoking.

How can I learn more?

Check smoking cessation tips (online courses, tools and trackers, articles, coaching).

  • Classes and Support Groups offered through your medical group

    • As a WHA member, you have access to smoking cessation classes sponsored by our network's medical groups, even those not connected to your primary care physician's (PCP's) medical group.

    • Unless otherwise noted, most health programs or classes are free and you can join online.

  • MyWHA Wellness

    • Complete your wellness assessment and create an action plan to help you quit smoking:

      • Set a quit date

      • Choose a medication

      • Conquer your urges

      • Control your environment

      • Get support

      • Stay quit

Last review date: February 7, 2019

Update Monday July 22: A widespread computer software outage continues to impact systems across the globe. Health care services in Northern California may be experiencing some disruption. WHA encourages members to call ahead to your provider if you have an appointment scheduled this week.