family playing together

Mental Health

Accessing Behavioral Health Care Services

Optum offers a full spectrum of managed mental health and substance use disorder services. WHA members can call Optum directly, 24 hours a day, seven days a week. A referral from a primary care physician (PCP) is not required — you can start by searching the online directory to find a provider or simply call Optum directly.


Group/Individual Plan Members: 

Call: 800.765.6820
Use Optum's LiveandWorkWell Webpage to search for mental health providers and other great resources

Medicare Advantage Plan Members: 

Call: 855.857.9748
Use Optum's LiveandWorkWell webpages to search for mental health providers and find other great resources

Highlights of Optum's services:

Virtual and in-person outpatient therapy with access to 5,500 mental health professionals – including Express Access providers who guarantee an appointment within five (5) days.

Medication-assisted treatment includes an increase to 26 mental health and 29 substance use disorder inpatient facilities, as well as specialty case management for substance use disorder, child and adolescent care, eating disorders, geriatric, specialized mental illness, and ABA therapy.

Unsure where to start? View this brief video for guidance.

If you are interested in a self-care app to help manage stress, depression, and anxiety, learn more about Optum's new, Able To app from this flyer, or find links to more information in the drop drop-down above under Mental Health Resources, Stress Management.

Update Monday July 22: A widespread computer software outage continues to impact systems across the globe. Health care services in Northern California may be experiencing some disruption. WHA encourages members to call ahead to your provider if you have an appointment scheduled this week.