Menu Makeover

Most people living with diabetes know that eating a well-balanced meal means choosing foods that give you the highest nutritional value. Managing meals can be a challenge, especially if you have a family. While dining out is convenient, home-cooked meals are best. Check out for healthy recipes and ready-made grocery lists. With careful planning, along with portion control, you and your family can still enjoy the same foods.

Take Care of the Whole You

360-degree care

360-degree care is medicine’s approach to taking care of the whole person when it comes to patient care. Doctors and nurses consider emotional well-being and its impact on the healing process. So the next time your doctor asks you how you’re feeling, be honest. Tell your doctor what ails you: physically, mentally and emotionally.

What is emotional health? 

Sometimes known as “mental health,” the World Health Organization defines it as “…state of well-being in which the individual realizes his or her own abilities, can cope with the normal stresses of life, can work productively and fruitfully, and is able to make a contribution to his or her community.”

Simply stated, emotionally healthy people have found a way to manage life’s typical challenges. This doesn’t mean they don’t have problems but rather that they’ve learned to cope with everyday stressors.

Don’t know where to start? 

WHA has a network of behavioral health (BH) specialists available to help. You can self-refer to a BH specialist, so a referral from your doctor is not needed. To learn more about your BH benefits, visit or call your provider directly; the phone number is on the back of your WHA member ID card.

Magellan Health Services  800.424.1778  |  Optum (UC employees)  888.440.8225 

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